Monday, August 17, 2015

Collective Brewers

Trying to chill at a cafe during the long jubilee weekend... ...with a hyper active cub... ... the nice little lady beside the lions complimented them on being considerate as they apologised for the little ruckus... ... Daddy had to head out of the premises with the figety tyke for a while... ...ironically having a cub tend to turn the lion into somewhat of a babe magnet as the little one coo-ed and grinned at the fairer sex sitting at the alfresco section, and they in turn returned the favour.

The robust flat white was sublime ... ...too bad they didn't have a chance to ask about the blend; the lion was busy chatting to the nice little lady about raising kids on the island while the lioness had her hands full with baby-led weaning. The cakes and pastry selection here is sadly limited though and the only bite they had - pork belly chips - was no pleaser. But boy, was the service A*** excellent. Will be back for caffeine.

Collective Brewers
301 Changi Road
Singapore 419779

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